Women In Radio

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New Year, New You? Resolutions Matter.

I am an OCD goal-setter. I don’t even know if that’s a real term as it relates to my self-diagnosed OCD, but, it’s a term I’ve coined. I write out the same life goals/resolutions weekly in my planner until they are completed (shout out to Passion Planner – free promo).

Last year, one of my life goals/resolutions for 2017 was to do radio in Miami. Well, I’m in Miami now and “doing” radio, kind of. I’m behind the scenes, with a big passion for on-air work. For 2018, I’ll be a little bit more specific (lol).

I say all that to say, resolutions, goals, prayers, or whatever you want to call it – matter. If you’re serious about it, they set the framework for your upcoming year.

A couple months ago, I also added my resolutions to my mirror and in my closet, so even if I don’t open my planner for the day (which is rare), I would still see them.

See, I’m a believer in speaking or writing life into the things you want and if you add in some hard work – your goals/resolutions can easily come true.

I’ve even become that friend/family member that wants everyone around me to set goals/resolutions.

I think a lot a people fail at their goals/resolutions, because they don’t see insta-results. I know there have been many times when I’ve wanted to give up and quit on my job search or losing weight because it was taking too long. Sometimes, you must learn to appreciate the time it takes to get there, so you’ll be more appreciative when you have it.

There are less than 20 days left of 2017, you should write out at least 5 things you would like to accomplish for 2018. They can be big or small. Don’t talk yourself out of anything because you feel it may not be attainable, especially when it comes to a job. Find someone who is in the position you would like to be in and ask them what it took for them to get there. Then use what they say, to map out your goals/resolutions to get there.

Just know, sometimes the hardest part of your goals/resolutions is starting – so take a chance on yourself and JUST DO IT!