LaSanya 'Mrs.Yaya' Williams: Determined and Committed
By: Elandra Fernandez
When ambition and faith are merged, the product of that dynamic combination would look a lot like LaSanya “Mrs. YaYa” Williams.
Mrs. YaYa is from Bryan, Texas but now she resides in Dallas, Texas. She easily could accept the title of a veteran given that she’s been in the entertainment business for 15 years and has a syndicated radio show called Urban After Dark radio that is produced by WHEG LLC.
There were a few obstacles Mrs. YaYa had to face when she initially entered the radio industry, most of which were with a few people who resisted the progressive ideologies she brought to the table. As one could imagine, she did not let it discourage her and continue to make great strides in the field that she loved.
If Mrs. YaYa was to describe herself, she would say that she is really friendly and sometimes outspoken. She also loves staying abreast to what’s going on in urban entertainment and enjoys being the platform that others can use to obtain such information.
When asked, what’s the best thing about being in radio? Mrs. YaYa eagerly responded, “I like meeting new people and other women in radio.”
Radio is not the only thing Mrs. YaYa does, quite the contrary, she’s an extremely busy woman. She is an event coordinator and has put on a multitude of club concerts with some of the most renown names in hip-hop. Her manager has played a huge impact in her career given that his knowledge for entertainment has helped project her this far in the industry.
The advice Mrs. YaYa would give to people who would like to work in her field is that “make sure this is something you want to do, it’s hard work and requires a lot of attention. So, you want to have a great support system around you.”
Check out Mrs. YaYa this summer for her “Make Them Tell Us No Tour.” She will be traveling in her van, driving from city to city promoting her show “Urban After Dark” radio on Amazon Alexa. She will be visiting radio program directors and trying to see if they will pick up her show. This is where her the name of the tour comes from, “I’m going to shoot my shot and make them tell me no. Hopefully, they say yes!”